Baseball Toaster Cub Town
Ground Rules at Wrigley
2004-05-04 12:09
by alex ciepley

In his most recent column on, Rob Neyer discusses quirky ground rules found in some of baseball's stadiums. He talks a bit about Wrigley's ivy, and the "ground-rule double" that results from a ball being stuck there:

[I]f the ball lodges in the vines, the fielder can raise his hands in surrender, even if he can see the ball perfectly well, and the batter is limited to a double.
Isn't this incorrect? Doesn't the ball have to be not visible for the fielder to throw up his hands? I think this happened earlier in the year, with a Cub batter having hit the ball (was it Bako or Barrett, maybe?), and Adam Dunn staring at the ball in the ivy. Junior rushed over and grabbed the ball, because it was in fact "in play." Am I remembering this correctly?

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