Baseball Toaster Cub Town
2004-05-27 15:02
by alex ciepley

Even though it was just two games, the Cubs were swept for the first time this year, and only the second time in Dusty's reign as manager of the team. The other time: another two-game series, at home against Philadelphia late last July.
Christian covers Maddux's long ball woes below, but I'll just add this one thing: Several game reports noted that Maddux's intentional walk of Richard Hidalgo in the third was the first walk in 35 innings, an awesome streak of which I was unaware. Maddux has been back to his old tricks in that department, at least.

The Cubs also continue to be physically beat up, as Christian noted yesterday. Todd Wellemeyer is headed to the DL, and Tom Goodwin might follow. While neither player are key starters, the surprising depth that has kept the Cubs playing well to this point in the season is rapidly vanishing. Dusty Baker believes that Karma is on the Cubs side, and that Chicago's just getting their injuries out of the way early:

"Everybody's going to have injuries. Fortunately, or unfortunately -- I like to think fortunately -- we've had ours early."
Fortunately, or unfortunately? I'll say "unfortunately", because despite all of our dearest wishes life just doesn't work this way. The ugly girl at school doesn't necessarily have the best personality, a bad pick at the lottery doesn't better your odds the next go round, and just because your team is suffering injuries early, it doesn't follow that your rivals will get injured later.

The Cubs, like the Twins, have managed early season success in spite of a slew of injuries. They'll have to continue to manage in the short term, because Lady Luck doesn't give equal time to each team, and not all teams spend equal time on the DL.

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