Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Write Derek at drksmart @
Write Phil at phil.bencomo @
One of my secret little lustings, tucked away in the cookie jar in my kitchen, was that the Cubs would have a shot at signing potential 2006 free agent Lance Berkman to a deal after the season.
Sadly, that cookie's been eaten. The Astros inked Berkman to a six-year, $85 million contract. Can I take solace in thinking that the Astros overpaid a bit for Berkman? Not because he isn't worth that much money (at least in the first few years of the contract), but because given his current injured state I would've figured Houston could have locked him up for a little less.
If the Cubs do want to go out and sign a name left fielder next year, then a couple options include Brian Giles, Larry Walker, Jacque Jones, and Dmitri Young. Two oldies-but-goodies, one overrated Twin, and one DH. Giles for a couple years would probably be a nice addition, but none of the choices qualify as Lance Sexy.
Of course, the Cubs might not need a new left fielder this season or next... or anytime in the near future. Not if mister DuBois keeps hitting. His spring training, salts-of-grain, line through Monday morning:
I'll take them suger-coated cookies any day of the week.JASON DUBOIS
28 7 4 6 .357 .786
As they say on TV, damn Gina.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.