Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Write Derek at drksmart @
Write Phil at phil.bencomo @
My Achilles hurts. I'm not kidding. It's one of those I-don't-know-how-I-got-it injuries, and it's not keeping me from doing anything, but I'm definitely feeling it.
Now I find this to be pretty humorous, of course, being a Cubs fan, and feeling like this gives me some sort of special bond with my injured Cubs brethren. "Hey, Prior and Grudz have messed-up Achilles, I'm just joining in on the fun!" And the thought has actually crossed my mind that I might have some mystical mind-meld transplantation power, and that my desire to see Prior healthy has actually caused his injury to move to my foot! Wouldn't that be awesome? Christian may be having wet dreams about Prior, but I'm the one willing to take it for the team.
Maddux won number 291 yesterday, and had a nifty stolen base to boot. To say he "stole" it is a bit of an understatement; Maddux was practically in Egypt by the time Marquis even delivered the ball. Sosa and Lee both hit two-run homers, though I managed to miss both of them (@&%#!!) and never did see a replay of the Lee bomb. Was it as long a drive as Sosa's, who hit it a mile?
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