Baseball Toaster Cub Town
300 Words For Greg Maddux
2004-08-01 08:36
by alex ciepley

Gregory, Alan, Maddux, Professor, Mad, Dog.

Drafted, 1984, Second, Round, Number, 31, Rookie, 1986, September, Third, Debut, Dick, Pole, Crafts, Pitching, Style, Midsummer, Classic, 1988, Ace, 1989, Will, Clark, (ouch), Twenty, Wins, Eleven, Losses, 1992, Free, Agent, Larry, Himes, Jose, Guzman, (yipes), Atlanta, Braves, Absurd, ERAs, 1.56, 1994, 1.63, 1995, World, Series, Seventy-Eight, Pitch, Complete, Game, Against, Chicago, 1997, Kerry, Wood, Hands, First, Loss, To, Cubs, 1998, Winningist, Pitcher, 1990s, Just, Missed, All, Century, Team, Seventy-Two, One-Third, Innings, No, Walks, 2001, Return, Home, 2004.

Gold, Glove, Gold, Glove, Gold, Glove, Gold, Glove, Gold, Glove, Gold, Glove, Gold, Glove, Gold, Glove, Gold, Glove, Gold, Glove, Gold, Glove, Gold, Glove, Gold, Glove.

Impeccable, Command, Pinpoint, Control, Impossible, Circle, Changeup, Two, Seam, Darting, Fastball, Slider, Cut, Fastball, Split, Fingered, Fastball, Sinker, Curve, Changes, Speeds, Groundball, Machine, Wonderful, Mechanics, Superbe, Defense, (Almost), Never, Hurt, Completely, Reliable, Utterly, Dependable, Astoundingly, Consistent, Always, Watching, Vast, Knowledge, Detail, Oriented, Perfectly, Calculated, Master, Craftsman, Student, Teacher.

Outside, Corner, Inside, Corner, Just, Off, The, Plate, Down, And, Away.

Practical, Jokester, Goofy, Smile, Droopy, Eyes, Tongue, Wags, Quiet, Unassuming, (Supposedly), Good, In, The, Clubhouse, Definitely, Good, On, The, Field.

Strange, Catchers, Charlie, O'Brien, Eddie, Perez, Henry, Blanco, Paul, Bako.

Born, April, 14th, 1966, San, Angelo, Texas, Throws, Right, Bats, Right, Six, Feet, Tall, 185, Pounds, Favorite, Son, Las, Vegas, Valley, High, School, Coach, Rusty, Medar, Brother, Mike, Pitching, Coach, Brewers, Wife, Cathy, Daughter, Amanda, Paige, Son, Chase, Alan, Avid, Golfer, Nintendo, Fan.

592, Games, Started, 105, Complete, Games, 34, Shutouts, 4104, Innings, Pitched, 2868, Strikeouts, 1.13, WHIP, 2.93, Career, ERA, .627, OPS, Allowed, Cy, Young, All, Star, Hall, Of, Fame.

First, Chance, 300, Upstaged, Nomar, Garciaparra, Trade. Just, Perfect.

Good, Luck, Break, A, Leg, Wish, You, Well, Great, Job, Hope, You, Dominate, Today, You're, The, Man, We, Love, You, Congratulations.

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