Baseball Toaster Cub Town
Ex-Cub Update #4
2005-01-11 11:40
by alex ciepley

The news may be about a week old, but I still giggle when I think of it: Alex Gonzalez is now the Devil Rays' starting third baseman.

A year ago this time Gonzo was the incumbent shortstop for the Cubs. His resume included good looks, a handful of memorable late-inning homers, and one ugly error that tarred and feathered an otherwise shiny glove. He was generally regarded as adequate but upgradeable filler at short.

The 2004 season saw injuries and o-fers reveal Gonzalez to be a clear liability. The team found a fantastic upgrade in Nomar, and Gonzo was sent off to play musical chairs in Montreal and San Diego.

Now the guy who couldn't hit enough to play short for the Cubs is the starting third baseman for the Devil Rays. Tampa has some exciting young players worth watching, but I'm not exactly glued to the boob tube when the Rays are playing. When management makes moves like this one, why would you be?

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