Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Write Derek at drksmart @
Write Phil at phil.bencomo @
Here's the sequence of yesterday's edition of Big Z Freakout Theatre, as I think it happened:
And there's the ballgame. Certainly, other mistakes were made - Bob Howry didn't help matters with the bomb he gave up to Austin Kearns in the eighth - but this contest boiled down to Zambrano's inability to retain his focus, and his tendency to let little things snowball into gigantic issues through the sheer force of his emotional immaturity.
Z talks a lot about wanting to reduce his walks and sharpen his concentration to reach the next level of pitching excellence, but more and more I get the feeling that what he really needs to do is simply grow the hell up.
Maddux's (1.46 ERA) 86 MPH fastball, well placed, is better than Z's (4.86 ERA) 97 MPH fastball with mediocre location.
His fire and candidness make him one of my favorite Cubs, but I'm getting a bad feeling that the Carlos we see is what we're going to get long term. Thus far he's led the season off with three clunker starts and the Cubs won't do a thing this year without Carlos being in top form for the majority of the season.
I think it is encouraging that Z seems pretty mature off the mound. His post-game comments always seem to reassure me that he's begun to turn the corner on maturity:
"I was concentrating all the time, and I left some pitches in the middle and they hit them well," Zambrano said. "That's what happens when you don't locate your pitches."
"I was lost on that play," Zambrano said of the botched pickoff. "I lost concentration. I thought [Lee] was on the bag. That was a mistake."
"[Perez] gave me the sign to pick off Milton, and I think I threw a little bit hard," Zambrano said. "If that throw is lower, I think Neifi catches the ball. That was a mistake, also."
"I made too many mistakes in the games -- throwing, fielding, pitching," Zambrano said. "So far, this season has been weird to me. I can't worry about that. I have to worry about the future and cut some of my pitches per inning, and that's what we'll do. I have 30 more starts to go."
"It's not how you start, it's how you finish," Zambrano said. "We have to move on. I have 30 more starts. This doesn't bother me."
Thats harsh Derek, but there seems to be more than a grain of truth in that statement. Excellent analysis, I'm going to go back and watch this inning later to see if I agree with you.
Why on earth would Neify try to pick off Eric Milton from 3rd base?
That looked to me like another impulsive irrational move made out of frustration.
Neifi sure didn't looked like he expected it when he got all tangled up w/ Milton and pushed him down by the face.
It's as if sometimes carlos wants to win so bad, and is so hard on himself that he will try to do the impossible. Sometimes it leads to heroic performances, sometimes it's just stupid: like when you try to make the triple by the opposing pitcher into an out.
As frustrating as it is, you have to be able to laugh at Z sometimes.
That mutherf--ker's crazy!
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.