Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Write Derek at drksmart @
Write Phil at phil.bencomo @
Were you one of the 30-40 people who regularly visited my former online abode, you surely saw the start of what I hope to be a recurring feature right here at the Toaster.
Titled "Photo From The Crypt," this series will feature one photo of a former or current Cub player, coach, or other person with a clear Cub connection. For those who didn't check the link above, the photos there were of a 1970s, gym-teaching and high-school-coaching Gary Hughes. Hughes, of course, is a top assistant for Jim Hendry.
For the first installment on the Toaster, I figured I'd steal a page from the Score Bard's book of clever and entertaining post ideas, and let you, the wonderful reader, figure out who in the picture below has a current Cub connection.
Leave your guesses in the comments, and I'll be available for hints as I deem necessary. I know it may seem hard, but if you dedicated Cub fans look hard and put those brains to good use, you might surprise yourselves. I'll post a short update when the correct person is identified.
Oh, and bonus points if you can name the "Where" and "When."
Click on the image for a larger view.
If you have any ancient Cub-related photos of your own and you wish to see them posted here, please e-mail them to phil.bencomo AT . The above photo came from my own personal stock, and though I have several more of the same nameless-for-the-moment Cub-related person, it's much more fun to see different faces with each new installment.
UPDATE: Mr. Derek Smart nailed it all. As both he and I expressed in the comments, Derek had no insider information. We wouldn't want to start Toastergate or anything.
#12 in the photo above is indeed current Cub third base coach Mike Quade, an alumnus of Prospect High School in Mt. Prospect, Illinois. The photo is from the pages of a 1974 Prospect yearbook. The giveaway should have been Quade's bald head.
Thanks for all the participation, and don't forget to send in photos of your own. Since this guessing game went so well, I think I'll do the same with any other photos I receive.
I think No. 44 is Dave Kingman at Prospect High School.
Anyway, #12 is Mike Quade, Class of '75, Prospect High School, and current third base coach of the Chicago Cubs.
7 Tom, what was your second guess?
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.