Baseball Toaster Cub Town
And Our Bank Accounts Weep
2007-02-24 10:47
by Phil Bencomo

With the initial ticket sale day over, I ask:

How many games will you be attending in 2007?

By the way, there are still a lot of tickets left (more than 50 games have yet to sell out as of Saturday afternoon).

2007-02-24 11:34:14
1.   chris in illinois
I'll get to three games (two Braves' games and usually one other...). Luckily my father-in-law knows someone with season tix who gives some away to I haven't paid for a ticket in years.
2007-02-24 16:53:47
2.   rynox
I usually see 2 or 3, but this year I only bought tix for one game @ Wrigley. I'll be going to Cincinnati for a game, though, probably during the July 27-29 series.

I live in Ft. Wayne; If I lived in Chicago I'd be at a lot more games. Also, I have 2 kids under 2 yrs old, so that makes it tough.

Luckily my father-in-law knows someone with season tix who gives some away to I haven't paid for a ticket in years.


2007-02-24 17:08:16
3.   Doug
I usually only go to one game a year. This year, it's the June 6th game here in Milwaukee.
2007-02-25 20:01:50
4.   chris in illinois
2 I'm absolutely lucky...with a (nearly) three year old and one-year old twins it's a miracle I get to any games a year.
2007-02-26 10:28:50
5.   chicagoburke
It always ends up being ~10...
Always opening day...start early at Yakzees
Fathers day with the Daughter
A couple of out-of-town dates to hit up parks that have yet to be attended
All the other dates that happen to materialize thru work or friends (especially Friday Afternoons!)

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