Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Write Derek at drksmart @
Write Phil at phil.bencomo @
I've got no words to spill today on this sorry team other than the purely emotional. And nobody wants to read about what we're all feeling.
* * * *
Oh, and Bob, unless you will the Cubs to win by about 15 tomorrow to start a 10-game winning streak, I think you're going to have to stay far, far away from Chicago. Your presence is just too destructive. ;)
But I jest, of course. Or maybe we should just send you and your aura of horror on a Midwest tour as punishment, starting in Milwaukee, then to St. Louis...
1. It's hard to kick up dirt these days, what with the excellent groundskeeping. (This difficulty seemed to me to contribute to the somehow impotent quality of Lou's antics.)
2. It's disconcerting to scream at an umpire with mirrored shades, because all you see is two reflections of yourself screaming back at you.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.