Baseball Toaster Cub Town
Cubs Send Barrett To Padres
2007-06-21 09:10
by Phil Bencomo

Sorry everyone, but I've got to hit the road again. Feel free to discuss in the comments, and I'll update this post with my own thoughts on the trade when I've got the time.

Also, I'll have a post (with pictures) about Wednesday's Arizona-Tampa Bay game within the next few days. It was my third game at the ballpark formerly known as BOB.

Until then... Go Cubs!

2007-06-22 08:41:35
1.   Todd S
This one is a "shrug" to me. Seems like they got a similar type of player back, and maybe helped out the elusive clubhouse chemistry. Barrett was having a poor year, but the two previous years were quite good. I'll remember those good years fondly.

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